Membership Eligibility
Active membership shall be open to all Pastors who possess and instruct their congregants to possess the following qualifications:
(a) A testimony to a true salvation experience.
(b) Having been baptized in water by immersion.
(c) Evidence of a consistent Christian life (Romans 6:4; 8:1-4; 13:13, 14
Ephesians 4:17-32; 5:1, 2, 15; 1 John 1:6,7).
(d) An indication of a willingness to contribute regularly to the financial support of the
Church of which he is to become a member.
(e) Acceptance of the Tenets of Faith as set forth in these bylaws.
(f) Cooperate with assigned accountability leader.
Procedure for Membership Recognition
Those individuals eligible for membership who shall desire to become members of DAPC must complete a member application. After a successful review of the member application and completion of New Membership Orientation, signature of Covenant Agreement, and church Affiliation Documents candidates will be granted official membership. New members will be publically issued a membership card annually as evidence of their continued good standing with the affiliation.